Rabu, 18 November 2020

Teknologi Fermentasi

 Pentingnya Teknologi Fermentasi dalam Dunia Pangan

Teknologi fermentasi benar-benar memberikan pengaruh dan manfaat dari zaman dahulu hingga sekarang. Teknologi fermentasi tidak hanya berfungsi dalam menghasilkan produk pangan dan obat-obatan, tetapi juga dapat terus dikembangkan ilmunya dan seiring berjalannya waktu ilmu itu akan semakin terbarukan dan terus mengalami kemajuan, sehingga semakin banyak lagi manfaat yang dapat kita peroleh dari teknologi fermentasi tersebut. 

Kata fermentasi berasal dari kata kerja dalam bahasa Latin “fervere” yang artinya “to boil” atau “memasak” dan fermentasi diartikan oleh Louis Pasteur sebagai “La vie sans I’ air” artinya ‘hidup tanpa udara” (Bourdichon et al.,2012). Fermentasi diberi nama tersebut karena adanya gelembung-gelembung gas CO2 yang dihasilkan oleh anaerobik katabolisme atau pemecahan suatu zat kompleks menjadi sederhana tanpa menggunakan oksigen atau udara. Aktifitas anaerobik katabolisme ini dilakukan oleh mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme adalah makhluk hidup yang berukuran sangat kecil dan bisa terdiri dari sel tunggal maupun bersel banyak. Setiap sel ini memiliki kemampuan untuk tumbuh, memperbanyak diri dan menghasilkan energi (Kumar, 2012)

Perkembangan teknologi fermentasi secara garis besar dapat kita ketahui sebagai berikut : Pada tahun 6000 SM ditemukannya produksi keju di Irak yang dipengaruhi domestikasi hewan  ternak. Lalu, pada 4000 SM bangsa yunani menemukan cara bagaimana penggunaan yeast dalam pembuatan roti yang mengembang dan wine. Pada tahun 1750 SM bangsa Sumeria memfermentasikan barley menjadi bir. Pada tahun 500 SM, ditemukannya antibiotik pada hasil fermentasi kacang kedelai di Cina.

 Awal tahun 1700 terjadi produksi bir secara besar-besaran di Yunani, bersamaan dengan dikenalnya tong-tong dari kayu sebagai fermentor. Tahun 1757 penggunaan termometer untuk mengendalikan suhu dan penggunaan penukar panas primitif pada tahun 1801. Pada tahun 1861 Louis Pasteur mengembangkan proses pasteurisasi. Pada akhir tahun 1800an dan awal 1900, dimulai penerapan strerilisasi medium dan inokulasi medium menggunakan 10% vinegar untuk menciptakan kondisi asam dan mengurangi jumlah kontaminan. 

Antara tahun 1900-1940 hasil produk utama dari fermentasi adalah yeast sebagai biomassa, gliserol, asam sitrat, asam laktat, aseton dan butanol. Selama dekade ini dimulai proses fermentasi skala lab, proses ekstraksi penicilin skala besar mengalami kemajuan dan pada tahapan ini juga industri antibiotik, vitamin, giberelin, asam amino, enzim dan transformasi steroid juga semakin berkembang. Kemudian, pada tahun 1960an mulai dikembangkan produksi biomassa sebagai sumber protein untuk hewan ternak. Pada tahun 1979-sekarang perkembangan industri fermentasi diawali dengan teknik rekayasa genetika dengan produk utama komponen asing, yang tidak diproduksi oleh sel mikroba seperti interferon dan insulin.

Setelah mengetahui bagaimana sejarah teknologi fermentasi ini, tentu saja ini tidak lepas dari besarnya manfaat produk pangan yang dihasilkan dari teknologi fermentasi ini, sehingga seiring berjalannya waktu teknologi ini terus dikembangkan untuk kemaslahatan makhluk hidup. Beberapa manfaat yang dapat kita ambil dari fermentasi ini, antara lain : 

  1. fermentasi dapat mengawetkan makanan. hal ini disebabkan oleh pembentukan metabolit penghambat, seperti etanol, asam organik (asam laktat, asam asetat, asam format, asam propionat) dan bakteriosin (Ross et al. 2002; Gaggia et al. 2011). 

  2. fermentasi dapat merombak struktur pangan, sehingga menghasilkan perubahan warna, rasa, dan tekstur pada bahan pangan tersebut (Steinkraus, 2002)

  3. produk fermentasi mudah untuk dicerna dan hasil produknya meningkatkan kualitas nutrisi makanan (Steinkraus, 2002)

  4. fermentasi dapat meningkatkan nilai gizi pangan (Van Boekel et al. 2010; Poutanen et al. 2009). Salah satu contohnya, tempe memiliki nilai gizi protein dan vitamin B12 dan mengandung senyawa fungsional isoflavon yang berfungsi sebagai antikarsinogenik, selain itu ada juga tapai yang mengandung karbohidrat sederhana dan protein dari yeast dan vitamin B1 (Masdarini, 2011).

  5. fermentasi dapat menghambat patogen dalam pangan, sehingga meningkatkan keamanan pangan  (Adams dan Mitchell 2002; Adams dan Nicolaides, 2008)

  6. fermentasi dapat meningkatkan kualitas organoleptik pangan (Marilley dan Casey 2004; Smit et al. 2005; Lacroix et al. 2010; Sicard dan Legras 2011). 

Jadi, fermentasi tidak hanya bermanfaat dalam bidang pangan, tetapi bermanfaat dalam bidang ekonomi juga dengan banyaknya pengusaha-pengusaha pembuat produk dengan cara fermentasi baik skala kecil ataupun skala industri juga sudah bisa dilakukan. Selain itu, kita dapat menghasilkan produk dengan memanfaatkan kekayaan alam ciptaan Tuhan ini sebaik-sebaiknya, yaitu dengan penggunaan mikroorganisme yang begitu kecil dan tidak dapat dilihat dengan kasat mata ini ternyata dapat menghasilkan manfaat yang sangat besar. Mikroorganisme ini dapat menghasilkan produk baru yang lebih bergizi, lebih tahan lama dan dapat digunakan dalam bidang farmakologi juga (antibiotik, insulin). Dan tidak hanya itu, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan tentang teknologi fermentasi ini juga akan terus berkembang, seperti teknik rekayasa genetika yang terus dikembangkan untuk menghasilkan produk yang dapat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup, dan tentu saja harus tetap sesuai aturan yang berlaku dan diharapkan ilmu ini dapat terus berkembang, sehingga memudahkan kehidupan manusia seiring berjalannya waktu.

Referensi :

Masdarini, Luh. 2011. Manfaat dan Keamanan Makanan Fermentasi untuk Kesehatan (Tinjauan dari Aspek Ilmu Pangan). JPTK, UNDIKSHA, Vol. 8 No. 1 (53-58).

R. Paul Ross , S. Morgan, C. Hill (2002). Preservation and fermentation: past, present and future. International Journal of Food Microbiology 79 (2002) 3 – 16

Suhartatik, Nanik. 2016. Buku Ajar Teknologi Fermentasi. Fakultas Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Universitas Slamet Riyadi. Gapura Publishing : Yogyakarta.

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016



All her life she has seen
All the meanest side of me
They took away the prophet's dream for a profit on the street

Now she's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow

All his life he's been told
He'll be nothing when he's old
All the kicks and all the blows
He won't ever let it show

'Cause he's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That's how a superhero learns to fly
(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been working every day and night
That's how a superhero learns to fly
(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

All the hurt, all the lies
All the tears that they cry
When the moment is just right
You see fire in their eyes

'Cause he's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That's how a superhero learns to fly
Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been working every day and night
That's how a superhero learns to fly

(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

(Power, power, power, power, power)
(Power, power, power, power, power)

(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

(Power, power, power, power, power)
(Power, power, power, power, power)

(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

She's got lions in her heart
A fire in her soul
He's got a beast in his belly
That's so hard to control
'Cause they've taken too much hits
Taking blow by blow
Now light a match, stand back, watch them explode

She's got lions in her heart
A fire in her soul
He's got a beast in his belly
That's so hard to control
'Cause they've taken too much hits
Taking blow by blow
Now light a match, stand back, watch them explode, explode, explode, explode

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That's how a superhero learns to fly

(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been working every day and night
That's how a superhero learns to fly

(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

(Power, power, power, power, power)
Oh, yeah...
(Power, power, power, power, power)

(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

(Power, power, power, power, power)
(Power, power, power, power, power)

Ooh, yeah

(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That's how a superhero learns to fly

 The Meaning of Superheroes:
The comparison between Hall of Fame andSuperheroes is inevitable. Both are power ballads. Both are motivational. However, that's where the likeness ends. Hall of Fame focuses on the hope - you can be the best - and Superheroes  zeroes in on the road to that triumph: pain. The song covers a poor father and daughter in their struggle for dignity and a future. He fights for his dignity as a father, all the while knowing that she constantly suffers their poverty. That their poor isn't his fault - he's fighting forthe prophet's dream of a brighter future, fighting against the results of callous uncaring business - they took away the prophet's dream for a profit on the street.But that pain is the forge for a heart of steel - as long as you fight. When you've been fighting for it all your life, you've been struggling to make things right, that’s how a superhero learns to fly. True heroes don't glide to an easy victory. True heroes are the ones who know what pain feels like. That makes them strong... and understanding.

Source : http://www.musicinsideu.com/2014/07/superheroes-script.html

 "Superheroes" is a song written by Danny O'Donoghue and Mark Sheehan of Irish pop rock band The Script with songwriter James Barry. The song was originally recorded by the band for inclusion on their fourth studio album, No Sound Without Silence (2014).
The track was first released by Columbia Records on 22 July 2014 as the lead single promoting the album. The single was released in Ireland on 29 August 2014 and in the United Kingdom on 31 August 2014.

Yourself :
This song can make me understand that we can’t get what we want if we don’t try. We should not give up no matter what. This song also reminds me of a father who always work every day maybe until late at night with all struggle that he have to meet needs of their children.

Selasa, 12 April 2016

Dewa Athena

Dewa Athena is an annual sport event which is hold by SMAN 3 Bandung. It is tournament interclass for 1st and 2nd grader. The first three days tournament was began on Thursday 10th until 12th March 2016, in Lapangan Bali.  There are many kinds of sports contested. There are basket, volley, badminton, gobak sodor, tug of war, dodge ball, futsal, chess, and relay race.

The first day,  Thursday 10th March 2016
                The opening of Dewa Athena is on 10th March, all student of 1st and 2nd grade had marathon pass jl. Bali – jl. Belitung – jl. Sumatra – jl. Bali.  The list of tournament for my class on that day are gobak sodor, women’s doubles, relay race, tug of war, futsal putri, men’s doubles, futsal putra, dodge ball putri. After we finished marathon, we have break time. After that we prepared for first tournament, gobak sodor. Gobak sodor is a sport game that play by two groups, one group has 8 people. It have two round. The first round one group play as guardian and another group have to break through the guardian. The guardian must try to block another group so they can’t slip away. In the second round, they change position. The group who has many survivor, they win. My class (X-8) against X-4. Here I became a supporter, because I didn’t join the game. And happily my class won. After that I supported women’s doubles in bangsal with my classmates. X-8 against X-7 and finally my class won. I am so happy that my class never taste defeat. But unfortunetly, when relay race my friend slip so we didn’t win. Next, tug of war’s team have prepared on tug of war’s place already. Tug of war is a game which is played by 2 group, one group have 10 people and they must pull tug with all strength until another group can’t pull it back anymore.  Here I become a supporter again. Me and my classmates supported the team wholeheartedly. And finally my class won again. I am so happy that my classmates are stronger enough to against X-7. After tug of war game, futsal girls’ team had to against XI-1. Our futsal team did a great job, so they won this game. At the same time ganda putra’s team was match with XI-4. And they won the game. Then we had break time for have lunch and sholat. After we had break time, futsal putra’s team had a match against XI-2. But unfortunately they lose. Not only that, dodge ball putri had a match with X-7 and they won. So, in the first day of Dewa Athena we almost won all the game. We just lose relay race and futsal putra. I am so delighted that we can still participate the game.

                The next day, Friday 11th March 2016
                Our tournament list are dodge ball putra, basket, volley, and chess. Dodge ball putra won the match against XI-5. They could won the game easily. After dodge ball, basket team had match against X-1. With good effort from our basket team, my class won again. Next, volley team had match against XI-8. It was the best game I’ve ever seen since yesterday, because the game finished after 3 round. The first round, volley team from our class won the game but in the second round, they lose. Me and my classmates are supported with all spirit that we have. My friends inspire with scream. XI- 8 is tough opponent, although they tough, but with all the best effort of our volley team, they won the game!! Hooray.. I felt kinship with all my classmates. I felt that we were on war zone and we endeavor to survive with watch over each other and work together. I think it is too much but I liked it ;).  I am so happy for that.

                The third day, Saturday 12th March 2016
                Our tournament list are futsal putri, men’s doubles, gobak sodor, tug of war, woman’s doubles, dodge ball putri. First, Futsal putri had match against XI-3. And they won. Second, men’s doubles had match with XI-1, unfortunately they lose. They have worked all the best they could. We appreciate that. Next, tug of war game. Our’s class team had a match against X-6. In this game a lot of wounded. Because of friction with a strong rope, a lot of hands that bleed. Although they lose, they have tried as much as possible. After tug of war, we all suported gobak sodor team, and they won. After that,  woman’s doubles team had a match against X-6. In the first round our’s team lose. In the second round, I replaced my friend to play badminton, luckily we won. They are not an easy opponent. Namira and I are struggle to against them. And finally in the third round, we won.. I am so happy because our classmates supported us very consciously. I am so moved :’).  Happily we can continued to the final. Gobak sodor and woman’s doubles continue the game to the final. And tug of war reach 3rd place.

                The fourth day, Thursday 31st March 2016
                Our’s team of dodge ball (man) had a match. Their rival was so strong. Our’s team had pained because of that game. And unfortunately they lose.

                The fifth day, Saturday 2nd April 2016
                There was volley ball match.

I hope my class can win the game when the final. Last word, i want to say thank you to all my classmates who have worked as they could, and thank you for your cooperation. Hopefully we can continue to be a good friend. If in the future we don’t in the same class, i hope we will not forget all the memory that we spent together in Dewa Athena.
That’s all the story of Dewa Athena.
Thank you, see ya!

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Ideal Education

Education is a capital one to achieve success. Education can also be interpreted as the level of someone in the public. Education can help us in realizing the ideals or for a better life. Education obtained from formal and informal institutions. Is the education which we live is in compliance? Is it effective in helping the development of talents and interests of students? The questions that we often hear. Sometimes we do not know what to say, we just follow whatever the government education program. Education in various countries have cases different. Starting from the demands of school are too high and student felt very depressed suicides due to the demands of parents who have high expectations of their children. I think a good education is not supposed to make students feel depressed but it makes students more curious and enthusiasm in learning. I ever been felt pressured because of education that I live. I feel depressed when given the task very much and was only given a short time to complete the task. Sometimes I also feel depressed when the teacher explains the material but can not understand and we have to answer the questions given. There may be students who easily give in to understand something. If he had do not understand the subject they teach and it does not make him interested and he felt the material was only made him dizzy, he tends to be submissive to understand or learn the material. If teachers only explain it was not good because the students are not active in the process of teaching and learning activities. If the teacher just explain a little bit and ask the students to find or learn on their own, many students might think he can learn without a teacher. Teachers should be able to explain and easy to understand and can make students interested in the many realize the material that is taught in the real life. Moreover, can make students more understand the ideals he wants through the material being taught. For example, a teacher is explaining about the diseases caused by viruses. Perhaps the teacher can give spirit to students, what does the doctor do if you have a patient infected with a particular virus, or what is the danger of the virus or how to prevent and what the latest innovations that must be present to assist people in overcoming diseases caused by viruses. Or it could be a practice that does not burden the students, but facilitated by the school so that students can more understand and more interested so enthusiastic about learning. Teachers not only provide a complicated task for the students, teachers should be able to explain and guide students despite being outside of school hours, because today's students are more likely to understand the lessons given by tutors or private. Why are so many students by tutoring or private? Does the education provided by schools are not sufficiently understood by the students? Why? The questions also must ever been comes to mind us. Honestly I also feel more understand if taught tutor rather than teacher in school. Perhaps no one ever thought that the school is just a place to look for value and we understand the lessons only for a value. We so often forget the material that has been taught if it replicates or when the lesson is over. Value is still considered the most important than the learning process. Students are more likely to get good grades so as not learn the material in earnest and for long periods of time, and students also do not focus on what we can have from this learning to our lives in the future. Because there is no knowledge that is useless. As early as possible students should be taught about honesty. Schools should not allow students cheating on a test. Do not let dishonest behavior for the sake of great value become commonplace. As much as possible the teacher should be a role model for the students. This can help students much more spirit and more easily grasp the lesson. So a very important factor in education is a teacher. Teachers should be wise, dignified and close to the students. Teachers not only in school, but can also outside of school. Teachers is someone who helps other to learn something. Without teachers we will not become someone.

Hopefully this essay can be respond as well as possible. Thanks.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

My Last Holiday

My Last Holiday
                Last holiday I joined spiritual training at 2th and 3th January 2016. It was on Saturday and Sunday in Naripan Hotel Bandung. It started at 7 a.m until 5 p.m. I had new friends. They are on 6th grade, Junior High School and Senior High School. First we had introduce time. After that we started the training. The trainer had explained the main of the training, it was about the precentation which influence people to become success. There are knowledge, character, and spiritual.  
                The trainer helped us to find our purpose to live on earth. Sometimes, he turned off the light and made us realized about our mistakes before.  I cried several times, because I regret my mistake that I have done before. But I laughed a lot too because not only “regrets session” there are some games too. The games is very fun and it was not boring. The trainer were friendly and hoomble. They are so funny at the games and so serious at the training session.
 We had three times break, at 10 am, 12 pm, and 3pm. We had snacks two times, and a lunch. I like the food that they had deserve. I enjoyed the food and I have talking to each other, sharing the story and joking around. My friends told me that she liked the food too. I am happy at that time because I can have new friend and I have experience from the training.
Another day, I just stayed at home. I like stay at home all day. I can relaxed and watched movies. When I was alone at home, someone called me from outside. First I didn’t realiezed the sound, but when my father came home he told me that my friends were waiting for me in outside home. i am surprised because they did not tell me if they would came to my house. But I am happy they visited me. Unfortunetly I played with my friends at my house and we watched drama. We had lunch together too. I miss my friends since they are my junior high school’s friends.
                One day before school started, me and my family went to restaurant. We had dinner together. It was the last night of holiday and I want to ended it with family time. I will never forget my last holiday.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Selasa, 17 November 2015

City Tour

Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park
Talking about places to visit in Bandung is not complete if you have not visiting the Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park . You can feel the atmosphere of nature , and know some of the history of Indonesia. In 1965 the forest park was inaugurated by the Governor of West Java that time, Brig. H. Mashudi , as the Botanical Gardens or Forest Recreation . It was not until January 14, 1985 forest park was inaugurated by President Soeharto as Forest Park Ir . H. Juanda . The inauguration date does coincide with the birthday one of Indonesian hero, Ir . H. Juanda Kartawidjaja , a national figure who held 18 ministerial posts in the period between 1946-1983 .

Last Sunday, me and my father went to Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park. It is at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Lembang, Jawa Barat 40391. Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda is a conservation area which is integrated between the secondary nature with forest plants located in Bandung, Indonesia. The extent of 590 hectares stretching from Dago Pakar until Maribaya. The price of ticket is Rp27.000,00 for two of us. When we entered the park, we could see a map of that park included the direction and the distance of visitors object and the fresh air will be felt once we entered the park. I think we must come here once a week to replace the existing air in the lungs with fresh air. After reading the map, we continued our journey. We passed the bridge. Under the bridge we could see water lines from top to bottom to be filtered and cleaned.

 Our first destination is Japanese Cave. Called Gua jepang/Japanese Cave because the cave was made during the Japanese occupation in 1942. The cave was made after the Dutch surrendered and served as the defense of allied attacks. There are four large caves which is connected with each other hallways. During the Japanese occupation , the cave functions as a storage warehouse of weapons and ammunition was continued while adding other new caves nearby (1943-1944) which was later known as the Cave of Japan . To build this cave , Japan imposed forced labor ( romusha ) in the population at that time. These caves then also be a last defense of Japan in Bandung . After independence these caverns unnoticed and only rediscovered in 1965 by a closed condition of the plants reeds and dense . It was in the ammunition found in the cave many former Japanese soldiers during World War II . Since the discovery , the Cave of Japan is still in its original condition while the Cave of the Netherlands has experienced three times improvement. After we arrived, we rented a flashlight. I asked my father to wait for other visitors who will go into the cave as well. Finally there are 3 visitors and a tour guide who explain the cave. In the cave there are two vents and a few places to rest. The places for rest was commonly used by Japan generals. The atmosphere inside the cave is quite cold and dark of course. In the cave there are also some bats. Japanese cave floor like a stone small rocks, and the tour guide said that the cave floor has never been renovated, so the cave is still the same as it was first built.
After visiting the Japanese cave, we continue the journey to the Dutch cave. Dutch cave was built in 1912 by breaking into a hill on the side of the river flow Ci Kapundung . Initial function is as tapping channel streams for the purposes of generating electricity. 1918 seems to be no changes or additional functionality in the cave because the cave was added spaces and hallways branch to the overall length of the cave reaches 547 meters . 3.2 meter high cave entrance hallway and a number of branches 15 pieces . Some space looks like a detention room . After the change of function , then made a new water lines using large pipes planted underground Tahura region . Dutch possibility also makes this cave as a store of gunpowder. When the entry of Japanese troops , the Dutch had used this cave as Central Military Telecommunications Dutch East Indies for the army. From gua jepang/japanese cave to gua Belanda/Dutch cave can be reached by walking less than 15 minutes. You can also go directly to the Dutch Goa by car. Cave has also become the pass towards Maribaya sights in Lembang. Distance from Goa to Maribaya approximately 5 KM. It's just could not ride because of special vehicles for pedestrian through the beautiful forest. The cave floor is made of cement with the rails for transporting goods.

 After passing the cave Dutch, we had rest first , many stalls selling food , ranging from beverages , instant noodles , until roasted corn are available. When we were in that park, we met some kind of animal. We saw two squirrels on a tree near the bridge, and then we also saw some monkeys in the tree. When the road has begun crowded with visitors, the monkeys come down from the tree and make some visitors fear, including me. Visitors feared that his luggage would be stolen by monkeys. Fortunately, the monkeys did not disturb visitors . I think , a lot of monkeys that have been contaminated by humans , so the monkeys down from their habitat and be close to humans without fear of humans. Maybe the monkeys once fed by visitors so it becomes a habit.We also met a few dogs and the dogs were not disturb us. We also see a wide variety of plants in the park. Every tree named tied to the tree trunk using springs, so that when these trees grow bigger nameplate these plants will not break.

There are the view of Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda:

The last sentence , I would like to thank my father, who had accompanied me to visit the park. It is a fairly tiring journey because we had to walk, but we are happy with our journey.