Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Ideal Education

Education is a capital one to achieve success. Education can also be interpreted as the level of someone in the public. Education can help us in realizing the ideals or for a better life. Education obtained from formal and informal institutions. Is the education which we live is in compliance? Is it effective in helping the development of talents and interests of students? The questions that we often hear. Sometimes we do not know what to say, we just follow whatever the government education program. Education in various countries have cases different. Starting from the demands of school are too high and student felt very depressed suicides due to the demands of parents who have high expectations of their children. I think a good education is not supposed to make students feel depressed but it makes students more curious and enthusiasm in learning. I ever been felt pressured because of education that I live. I feel depressed when given the task very much and was only given a short time to complete the task. Sometimes I also feel depressed when the teacher explains the material but can not understand and we have to answer the questions given. There may be students who easily give in to understand something. If he had do not understand the subject they teach and it does not make him interested and he felt the material was only made him dizzy, he tends to be submissive to understand or learn the material. If teachers only explain it was not good because the students are not active in the process of teaching and learning activities. If the teacher just explain a little bit and ask the students to find or learn on their own, many students might think he can learn without a teacher. Teachers should be able to explain and easy to understand and can make students interested in the many realize the material that is taught in the real life. Moreover, can make students more understand the ideals he wants through the material being taught. For example, a teacher is explaining about the diseases caused by viruses. Perhaps the teacher can give spirit to students, what does the doctor do if you have a patient infected with a particular virus, or what is the danger of the virus or how to prevent and what the latest innovations that must be present to assist people in overcoming diseases caused by viruses. Or it could be a practice that does not burden the students, but facilitated by the school so that students can more understand and more interested so enthusiastic about learning. Teachers not only provide a complicated task for the students, teachers should be able to explain and guide students despite being outside of school hours, because today's students are more likely to understand the lessons given by tutors or private. Why are so many students by tutoring or private? Does the education provided by schools are not sufficiently understood by the students? Why? The questions also must ever been comes to mind us. Honestly I also feel more understand if taught tutor rather than teacher in school. Perhaps no one ever thought that the school is just a place to look for value and we understand the lessons only for a value. We so often forget the material that has been taught if it replicates or when the lesson is over. Value is still considered the most important than the learning process. Students are more likely to get good grades so as not learn the material in earnest and for long periods of time, and students also do not focus on what we can have from this learning to our lives in the future. Because there is no knowledge that is useless. As early as possible students should be taught about honesty. Schools should not allow students cheating on a test. Do not let dishonest behavior for the sake of great value become commonplace. As much as possible the teacher should be a role model for the students. This can help students much more spirit and more easily grasp the lesson. So a very important factor in education is a teacher. Teachers should be wise, dignified and close to the students. Teachers not only in school, but can also outside of school. Teachers is someone who helps other to learn something. Without teachers we will not become someone.

Hopefully this essay can be respond as well as possible. Thanks.